Click for Large size image of The Wasp Cover
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Taxation is a field that will find the average citizen's eyes glazing over. Tax law is a highly specialised area.

ACTION COMMUNICATIONS, working with Abbey Tax Protection - specialists in minimising the financial risks of tax inspections - was asked to produce a newsletter for accountancy clients.

Our first task was to convince the client they should think big on what was a very tight budget. With no funds for outside photography or complicated artwork the best solution was to create a dramatic cover image in-house. First, I picked a strong name for the title, inspired by existing imagery: The Wasp. In all, I created a series of four cover images relying intensively on Photoshop. This was the full colour, gloss-laminated wrapping for the utilitarian, two-colour content.

All clients have a wish to achieve high quality at a low cost. Our belief is that by saving the clients money we build solid foundations for the future.

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